#10: We'll be singing every week of the Advent season, so there are plenty of chances to "get your Christmas on."
#9: There are only 10 rehearsals to commit to, so your New Year's resolution can easily be to "not go back to choir in January."
#8: There's no audition necessary, so you can go directly to singing in front of hundreds of people, and never have to face the embarrassment of singing in front of just Jacob.
#7: Our first rehearsal was what we respectfully call "lightly attended," so your attendance alone could increase the choir size by 10%!
#6: We accept anyone high school age or older, and we don't even ask which one of those two categories you are in.
#5: Christmas without a choir is like Christmas without a tree, and you wouldn't want to be accused of stealing Faith Church's tree. Naughty list for sure.
#4: By singing Christmas songs in October, you can get sick of them much more quickly, so by December you'll circle back around to wanting to sing them again.
#3: Free luxury box seats to the Andrew Peterson concert! (What's that? we don't have a luxury box? How about free parking, then?)
#2: Each choir member gets an in-sermon "shout out" from Pastor Steve. Holla!
And the #1 reason you should be a part of choir for the Christmas season...
If you don't, Pastor Steve will have to.
Choir rehearsal takes place each Monday night at 7pm in the choir room. For more contact, contact Jacob Addison.